30 October 2008

Funny McDonald's

"In 2006, McDonald's changed the design of their McFlurry containers to be more hedgehog-friendly.[10] Previously, hedgehogs would get their heads stuck in the container as they tried to lick the remaining food from inside the cup. Then, being unable to get out, they would starve to death."

We found this quote in Wikipedia, when we were looking up information about hedgehogs. How many hedgehog's walk into McDonald's? It was awfully nice of McD's to think of the little spiny fellows.

25 October 2008

Little Critters

This baby lizard found his way into the house and I had to gentle shoo him out before Nik stepped on him.
You might think that this hedgehog is also a little creature until you look at the picture below, he's the same length as the tile. Arthur's dad found him outside and brought him inside for a little lettuce, what a cute little fellow, look at his ears, eyes and nose.

22 October 2008

Mom has Arrived.....

Arthur picked up Mom at the Airport in Thessaloniki.

And Baby is Officially Walking, mom was here one day and he walked across the room. Mom is a natural teacher.

18 October 2008

Doctor update

What's in here?
This outfit no longer fits, his feet stick out and the buttons on the butt can't connect due to his long torso.

We went for just a check-up with our doctor here in town and here are the latest stats.

8.7 kilos
30 inches

He only gained .2 kilos in the last month, this is less than 1/2 lb. and we are still working on trying to get to 10 kilos. On the chart he is above average for his height but below average for his weight, I think it is probably due to his extreme activeness. If we go by the chart and how he has been gaining weight he will be 10 kilos when he is 13 months old, the end of February. He is now walking 5 steps on his own and a lot of the time will walk around with me just by hanging on to my pants.

11 October 2008

Coming Soon......

This is his favorite stance, this is how he gets into his standing position. He can stand without any support for a few minutes and that's with holding something in his hand and waving it around. He cruises around on the furniture and even takes a few steps away from them and can safely go down to one knee or plops on his butt. He has also learned how to climb up our 2 stairs and this has made it a little harder to keep him in one room, so now he likes to go into the bedrooms and open drawers and pull everything out, CONSTANT WATCHING IS MANDATORY.

Mom is coming to stay for a whole month next Monday, I can't wait to get some projects done around here and to have someone other than Arthur to talk too.

07 October 2008


Here's Nik laughing, he laughs a lot and at the silliest things, like paper planes flying.

02 October 2008

Our little Teddy Bear

Hat compliments of Eric and Leslie.
Baby is now 8 months old, he weighed in at 8.5 kilos or 18.7 lbs, the doctor wasn't to happy since he only gained .3 kilos in one month and told us to feed him more. How do you feed you child when he is already full would have been my question if I spoke Greek. He eats enough it's just that he is so active, there is no sitting quietly with him, only when he sleeps does he not move. Last week we had a family come and stay at KokaRoka and they had a daughter that was born 7 days after baby Nik and she weighed 10.5 kilos, she was so chubby that the only thing she could do was sit there, she didn't even know how to crawl yet.

It is winter time here already and we have been having very cold weather with lots and lots of rain, right now baby is wearing 4 layers, a onesie, a shirt, overalls and a sweater. We are hoping it will clear up for at least a little while we finally found someone who would do our tiles in the back, but it has been raining since he finished his last project at our neighbors house.

Going back to baby he likes the strangest things, he doesn't like carrots and potatoes, but he likes lemon and lentil soup, go figure. He definitely gets this from his father and not me, I would much rather eat potato soup (he didn't like it) than lentil soup although the latter is most definitely healthier and Katerina makes it about once a week. Right now he is enjoying his favorite food along with an egg yolk and that's lamb.