On Sunday we took a drive up to Naousa about 2 1/2 hours away, the peach capital of Greece. Spring time is a lovely time to go up there with all of the trees in bloom.

Arthur's old military buddy Stelios and his family, Stavros (son), Arthur, Mara, Nik, Nikki and Anastasia (our goddaughter). It is tradition for the godparent to give a candle for Easter to the godchild so we made a little goodies bag for her and brought it up, last year we couldn't go because Nik had just finished his final surgery.

Reading books on the top bunk of Anastasia's bed.

After visiting our friends we went to our favorite bakery for some yummy cookies and I ran into an American women that was from New York and moved to Greece with her Greek husband 10 years ago. It is so fun to meet people like this, completely random. We then went to the
School of Aristotle's, where he taught Alexander the Great, it is about a 5 minute drive from Naousa and 30 minutes from
Vergina (where the palace of Philip II and Alexander the Great lies) of course back then I'm sure it took a whole lot longer to get there.

Perhaps this big tree was around in 300 B.C.

Taking Lessons

Very beautiful setting you could see some columns lying on the ground and even a small amphitheater perhaps where Aristotle's taught.