22 May 2010

And the Date IS.....

JUNE 8, 2010 a Tuesday

We did a non-stress test on Friday, it was fun, listening to the heartbeat and timing the kicks. The doctors then decided when the best time to do the Cesarean. ΑΙΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΗ ΙΟΑΝΝΑ ΣΑΚΚΑ, you can call her Kat or Riena if you want will be arriving sometime on June 8th, two weeks away, oh my!

Nik is learning more and more words, my favorite word that he uses now is "NICE". It's so cute to hear him say it, he loves putting lotion on my belly and then he pronounces that it's "nice" or when he eats something good "nice". A great greek word that he uses is "ETSI" (like that or this way) this is such a great word because it's like a sentence all in one word. He loves to say "etsi" (no mom do it this way) or "etsi" (I like it like that).

He still uses sign language and sometimes he says a word and signs. He points to his ear and says "akou" (listen in greek) or points to his eye and says "look", he also points to his nose for smell but no word with that gesture just yet.

The hardest Greek word I have had to get used to is "ME" not as in you - me, but in English it means don't, the first couple of times I heard Nik say "me" I responded "you, you what" but now I've got it.

13 May 2010

Belly Pics

Okay not a photo of my belly, but this is a self-portrait done by Nik. He loves using the camera and takes pretty good photos, he likes close ups, so I have several close up shots of my belly but those might scare people. So I did not post any of them but I have one that I took and one that Arthur took, notice my new hair cut.
I feel absolutely huge especially now that my belly has surpassed my huge boobs, I am at 34 weeks in these pictures and they were taken last week. We have been going to the doctor once a week for the past month and have another appointment tomorrow, hopefully he will give us the date for the Cesarean to be done in 3-4 weeks. I'm ready!

01 May 2010

May Day Holiday

Today is a holiday in Greece and everything and I mean absolutely everything is closed. All stores, supermarkets even pharmacies are closed, truly an amazing feat- the pharmacies part, there are about 2 on every block.

We of course are grilling lamb, this time not a whole little lamb but chunks of older sheep (mutton). Today is a beautiful day, roses are in full bloom, flowers are buzzing with bees and you can hear birds chirping happily as they build their nest.

Nik is happy adding wood to the fire for grilling the meat and watering the flowers with his little water pot.

Tomorrow perhaps we will go to the beach, the water is still cold but they have opened the Tempe pass for the holiday weekend. It has been closed all winter, they will re-close it after the holiday and it might be ready to open at the end of the month.