SO here are a few pictures of the people I got to see on my trip, and what a whirlwind trip it was too? Some of you I only got to see for a few minutes and others I was so tired I hardly talked but nonetheless it was wonderful seeing all of the people I was able too and once again a tragedy if I was unable to see you. Because I really would have liked to see everyone but maybe next time and then I will be with the whole family so that will be nicer. My pictures got all turned around and are upside down so here it goes, above is cousin Lettie with husband Wade and the new great grandbaby Bridgman, Jesse. We ate Chinese food in Chinatown San Francisco and then went for some Gelato in Little Italy, man I love these big cities (as long as I don't have to live in one of them). It's not the most flattering shot, sorry Lettie and Wade, I caught you walking and eating.

Little Jesse at 6 weeks and such a sweet dinner partner, he slept during the whole affair and then Lettie drove me to the airport for my departure out of the States.

My friend Percy drove me into SF to meet up with all of my friends, traffic was tough so once again thanks for the ride, I also got a chance to hang out with her on the previous Friday and Saturday so we had a good time.

My only picture of Rhonda (sorry), she is giving Bella, dog lessons at the park in Lincoln. After the dog lessons Rhonda and I made a lavender cheese cake, I ate it hot since I had to be on my way to SF but I thought it tasted pretty good. Percy brought a quiche and Rhonda made a salad so that was a yummy lunch.

My friend John joined us for dinner in SF with Lettie and Wade, it had been a very long time since we talked so it was great seeing him.

My only shot of Leslie feeding Owen and Sarah, Andrew eats like a little bird and had left the table already. I didn't get any pictures of Eric, (he's probably glad that I didn't get any butt shots) even though he was the one who picked me up and dropped me off at the airport in Orange County. I arrived on Thursday night and Leslie made tacos and then on Friday morning she made blueberry muffins and for lunch a chicken salad sandwich. I remember when she first married Eric and didn't know how to cook anything, Leslie has a come a long way and everything was delicious. On Friday night we splurged and ordered Pizza, then on Saturday Eric took me to the airport.

The kids played so well together and it was really fun seeing them, on Friday morning Eric and I dropped off Andrew and then Owen at their schools, then he took me shopping at Micheal's, Whole Foods and Target. Then he dropped me off back at the house while he went to work and I hung out with Leslie and the kids for the rest of the day.

On Thursday I was taken to the Denver airport by Uncle Allen and before that I was with Grandma Doris and Grandpa Percy in Greeley at their retirement home. I also ate lunch there, Bar-B-q ribs and beans, good food.

I stayed the night with Aunt Karen and Uncle Bill (his picture somewhere below) it was super early for photos so I apologize for looking a fright.

This picture was taken on Saturday in SF a very brief hello and talk with my friend Birgit, her husband Brian and thier daughter Milena. they had just gotten back from Germany 2 days before so they wanted to get their daughter back on US time table, she's 1 1/2.

This is my half brother Sam and his wife Amanda, Sam picked me up from the airport in Denver and that was a relief since I wanted to see mom and the Super Shuttle was going to take over 2 hours to get to her position. We ate at my favorite dinner place in Denver, Casa Bonita, Mexican food, the three of use ate the all you can eat and I got $3 off on each plate, it was a super deal. Plus they have live entertainment with divers and mexican music, a little loud but totally fun. I had a great time meeting Amanda and she brought some pictures of me from when I was little I will have to share them with you and two of my dresses as a little girl, Katerina will show them off when she gets bigger.

Thankfully I got to see mom even though it was only for about 5 minutes, she handed off some of her famous chili and a box of clothes for the kids. She was traveling back to New Mexico after a week in Washington and we timed it to meet in Denver, she had Terry, the dog Bonnie and Miss Kitty the cat in the car with her.

I ate Bar-B-Q with Dad and also went out to eat Mexican food with him and his dog Bella, he kind of had to drive me around since I couldn't find a rental car all weekend in Sacramento.

My friend Renee picked me up when I landed at SFO on Thursday, we did some Secret Shopping and then ate Bar-B-Q before she dropped me off at Dad's. She also drove me around on Friday to all of my appointments.

My uncle Bill in Greeley, see I told you his photo was somewhere, why they didn't go where I put them is unknown to me.
Some people that I did see but didn't take a picture of for one reason or another.
Rhonda and Eric, it was great seeing them.