31 January 2013

Great Giveaways

Some really good giveaways going on now.

Kate Spain, Honey, Honey, 40 pounds box of scraps , ends Feb.1

Jennifer of Ellison Lane Quilts is having a Spread the Love Valentine Blog Hop,
with giveaways at each one, January 28th to February 1st.
Check out all the stops in the hop and enter the giveaways every day this week! 
Blog: LR Stitched - Giveaway: Lima Sews Fabric Shop
Blog: Owen's Olivia - Giveaway: During Quiet Time  
Maureen Cracknell is giving away a 24 fat quarter of Large Chevron print from Riley Blake Designs, if you have not gone to her blog she has giveaways every Friday and always has really great  tutorials. ends Feb.1

Another totally awesome blog to follow is Pile O'Fabric with Alyssa she is having a giveaway for a new sponsor, a colorful "Over the Rainbow" from Bloomerie, I wish I could buy this now, any who this giveaway ends Feb. 6, enter it here.  She also has giveaways every Friday and is doing a BOM that can help with your quilting right now.

Hawthorne Threads is having there weekly giveaway of a fat quarter bundle of Life in the Jungle.

Quilt Taffy has a giveaway every Thursday, but you have to act fast it is only open 1 day.

Someday Crafts has a directory of giveaways that restarts every Thursday, so check them out too! you can also add your giveaway there.

Craft Buds also has a round-up of giveaways that is always being updated and you can add your own.

Okay that's it for now if you know of anymore and want to share just type them in the comments.

30 January 2013

January Finish

For a Lovely Year of Finishes, I got my tank top purse done, I know, I know something so small taking so long.  Well even though the tank didn't fit me it was still absolutely huge and after I sewed it, I realized that the arm holes just made it really big, so I had to cut it and resew, so it a little longer than normal, plus the kid (Nik) has been home for 2 weeks now sick.
It was claimed quickly as a the perfect carrier for baby.

The inside pocked, I really need to get a zipper foot for my machine.

Finally Finished
Linking to of course A Lovely Year of Finishes.
I was a little late in getting my first blog post in, so I don't count for any prizes but I still want to be accountable for keeping to my goals.

29 January 2013


Nik turned 5 today.
 And Kat and Nik have been sick for almost 2 weeks.
 Hopefully we will continue school tomorrow.
Nik's 2013 school record 8 days in school
                                     8 days sick
                                     1 day refusing to go to school
Kat's 2013 school record 30 minutes in school, lol, she doesn't like it at all.

18 January 2013

3-52 - And Mom's Christmas Package

Mom's Christmas Package finally arrived, I know that both she and I were getting a little worried, considering that she actually did not send it as a belated Christmas present and instead sent it in the middle of December.  But it was a big box and there was a kitchen timer inside, I am pretty sure the package was open at least once if not maybe twice, since it looked like it had been re-taped a few times.

The package, minus some fabric just for me, hehe.

The chicken timer under suspicion of being a clucking bomb.
 Arthur got a wine air-remover and 2 stoppers, Nik got an Angry Bird game and a dry-erase board and pens, Kat got a wand and several coloring books, plus some pajamas for the kids that match the items they got, Nik - angry birds and Kat - Hello Kitty.

Magic Boy

Of course being in opposite world, Nik laid claim to the wand, for magic tricks, he asked me why it was not working.  I had to make quit the explanation about how it was a trick on the mind and that their really were no such things as magic wands.  MEGALO KOLPO (in greek) I hope this isn't like telling him there is no such thing as Santa Claus and ruining the rest of his childhood.
Bird Girl
Kat laid claim to the Angry Bird game, she likes to make the birds fly, even if she doesn't get the whole game aspect.
Of course now, 1 day later they are fighting over who gets to play with what.
Both children love the dry-erase markers and it has been a great help having 2 boards they can play on, one I bought from IKEA a year ago (from money sent by Dad and Rhonda-Kat is peeking through it in the picture above) and another small one that Mom sent in this package, so that way they don't have to share just one board to write on.

On a more not so happy note, Nik threw up on Wednesday night, Kat on Thursday night and then Nik again tonight, my rugs can't take to much more of this so I hope they get better soon.  It's all from going to school of course, Nik has had a substitute for the last few days and we talked to her about the fact that he comes home and says that the other kids hit him.  His normal teacher has told me that he is the one hitting, but the substitute confirmed that it was the other way around ( I really dislike the lying aspects of the Greeks) obviously the normal teacher does not want to have to deal with this issue and it is really pissing me off, there I said it, I feel better already, thanks for listening, that is if any one gets to the bottom of this very long post.

Working on IT

Okay dokey, so I am working on my re-purposed tank to purse project and all is going good, but I have decided to cut some more of the arm holes off, I had it all sewed and even put in a lining but now I pulled out some of my stitches so I could cut a little of the purse off and make it smaller.  The zipper is in but I really need to find a zipper foot because the stitching looks a little funny. Here's a picture.
Lining and zipper are in.
Linking to a year of finishes mid-month check in.

13 January 2013


Opposite world, this week Nik took like 8 photos and Kat didn't want to take any, she didn't even want to put on a pretty dress and normally she loves dressing up.  See Nik's 2 bottom missing teeth, he lost the second one 2 days after Christmas, it was loose before Christmas and listing to the side like Pisa and I really wanted him to let me pull it so we could sing "All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth", but he got scared and didn't want us to pull it.

12 January 2013

Great Imagination

Katerina set up her babies (some Beanie Babies) to watch movies and put the mug rug on top of them and the movies in front, such great imagination.  And who knew that a mug rug would make a great beanie baby quilt?

09 January 2013

I need to finish this

Do you remember this post?

Up-Cycle Project

My next project is to take these 2 shirts and make some fun stuff with them.
The red long sleeve shirt is a maternity shirt that I won't be using again so I thought  I would use the collar and buttons along with some material to make Nik a Hawaiian shirt like shown here. (I need to work on this)
Nik modeling the Hawaiian shirt material, I only have 1/2 yard, I think it fits.
 For Kat I will be taking the Victoria Secret shelf bra tank top that never fit and cut out the elastic to make her a tube top t-shirt dress with some of this cute ladybug material below. (Instead I took the left over red fabric from the maternity shirt after cutting out the collar and cuffs and made this adorable ladybug dress for the UR Priceless blog hop)
She loves this material if I let her get into my stash she quickly grabs this one.
I will also use the tank top to make a purse like this women did here (working on the tank top purse now) and for a tank top for Nik (don't think this will work, not much material left)The rest of the red material from the maternity shirt will be used to make a dress for Kat like the ones shown here and here.   Here are a few more cute pictures of the Kat.
linking up to a year of finishes.

Let's see how both materials look together, lookin good kiddo.

I Love this Idea

The 52 Project, a photo a week, sounds so simple and yet it will help me keep track of time, because I really have no concept of the time passing.  Except to make sure I watch Downton on Monday night and Vampire Diaries on Friday night, those are really the only things I have "scheduled".
Otherwise everyday passes like all the others hang out with the kids all day, do a little cleaning maybe some cooking and hopefully some kind of crafting.
Go over to Che and Fidel to get the information and maybe I will see you in the coming weeks.


Nik, not looking at the camera, sister just behind him

Kat, looking at the camera and playing with her favorite toy.
 My kids have this opposite thing going on, one will want there picture taken and the other won't or one will want to go walking and the other one won't.  Now you might think that it was always the same kid wanting the same thing but nope, they just like being opposite of each other.  Say Nik wants to go down to KokaRoka, but Kat doesn't, then I finally convince or bribe Kat to go down and then Nik doesn't want to go anymore, augh! So it should be interesting to see this year in pictures and count how many times I can get each kid to look and enjoy being in front of the camera, if I get a good picture of both of them together then I will definitely be posting that photo.

05 January 2013

Pay It Forward Mail Treats

I got a great surprise today in the mail from Roxanne over at Scrapbook-chickadoodle.

A too cute turtle mug rug, who wants to put anything on this with this little guy looking at you.

I love the mug rug and can fit my Greek Frappe and some cookies for the kids on it,  but I might just not put anything on that cute little turtle.  She also sent along some extra turtle fabric, linen fabric, an assortment of mod podge (so awesome) a home made card and not shown a Quilt Block Design Board that is already in my cutting room (like that's a whole extra space just for cutting fabric, lol).

Looking for a Greek Frappe recipe:

2 small spoons of instant coffee (Nescafe)
1-4 small spoons of sugar (depending on how sweet you want it)
add 1/4 cup of cold water to a jar with a closed lid and shake until it foams.
pour into a glass (like the size you see above and add more water till it reaches the top)
you can add a little milk too if you want.
Enjoy your cold Greek Frappe.

Thanks Roxanne for the great and wonderful gift.

02 January 2013

In Your Words Blog Hop, Coming Up

Hello All,

A new blog hop is starting next Monday and it will be great fun because we were given free reign on what to make, so lots and lots of variety.  Here is the list of everyone participating so please check out a few, mine is on Friday 11th over at Travel Thru Greece, I am also having a giveaway, yippee!

Monday, January 7
Kwilty Pleasures  (Kathy G.)
Sew Darn Quilt  (Carolyn R.)
Traveling Quilter  (Debbie A.)
Just Let Me Quilt (Carol S.)
Vroomans Quilts (Sharon V.)
Cate's Linens (Catherine R.)
Nini and the Sea  (Denise)

Tuesday, January 8
Piece Peace (Patricia G.) 
A Stitch in Time (Patty D.)
krislovesfabric (Kris T.)
The Slow Quilter (Felicia F.)

Wednesday, January 9
Kathy's Quilts (Kathy W.)
Sunshine Quilting (Martina S.)
Grammie Q's (Charlotte M.)
Dancing Moon (Carla B.)
(Betty V.)  at “that other blog”

Thursday, January 10
Just Sew Sue (Sue B.)
Scrappy 'n Happy (Jess R.)
Sowing Stitches (Beulah aka. Carol)
Just Quilt It  (Kathy G.)

Friday, January 11
Jane's Fabrics (Jane R.)
Jane's Quilting (Jane C.)
Nuts 4 Redwork (Heide W.)
Bits and Pieces (Martha R.)
Life in Every Breath (Jennifer B.)
Quilting Lines (Patricia L.)
Meadowbrook  (Kristen K.)
Count It All Joy!  (Denise P.)
Sophie Junction (Sophie W.)

Monday, January 14
Clothes and Crafts (Maria K.)
Simple Sew (Shirley T.)
Woolie Mammoth (Anna B.)
RocknQuilts (Mary Ann)
Quiltsmiles (Jane E.)

Tuesday, January 15
BQuiltin Studio  (Beverly K.)
Hill Valley Quilter (Britt-Inger)
Bumbleberry Stitches  (Theresa K.)
Buzzing and Bumbling  (Linda W.)
In Stitches and Seams  (Annette S.)
Englating  (Marica from Sweden)
Stitchin by the Lake  (Marlene B.)
Selina Quilts  (Selina)

Wednesday, January 16
Quiltin' Jenny  (Jenny)
(Rosemary B.) at “that other blog”
Dachsies With Moxie  (Agnes B.)
Sew Many Yarns (Lyndsey M.)
The German Mom  (Tina S.)
Christa Quilts (Christa W.)
Sew We Quilt  (Mdm. Samm)