11 September 2008

Shopping Expedition

Yesterday, Arthur and I went shopping in Larissa. There are so many shops that you can spend days there walking around and looking into shops. We went to find Nik some nighttime clothes and found two cute pajamas then I thought we should get him an outfit for the Greek wedding we are going to next weekend. When we brought the clothes home, Arthur's mom said they were too big and I got a little worried. We purchased 12 month size clothing but when we got home I tried them on him and they fit perfect. In fact if he gets any taller we will have to remove the feet on the pajamas.
Last night Nik did something he hasn't done before, he woke up at two for his milk and while I was getting it ready he somehow sat up by himself. Now I'm pretty sure he didn't go from lying down to sitting up but maybe what he did was role over onto his stomach then get on his hands and knees and then he sat up all under a minute, pretty amazing. Diaper changing has also become a challenge with his ability to rollover and crawl away, I can't wait till he can just stand up and walk away, bye-bye mama.


Kelly said...

Yes, mobility certainly adds some challenges to parenting! We are glad Nic is doing well and growing up just as he should be!

GeGe said...

I used to babysit in the days when you used those great big safety pins. One night one of my little girls wouldn't stay still. I stabbed her with a safety pin (accident). I think I cried longer than she did.